Monday, April 6, 2015

Project Proposal

Angela Rini
Dr. Walts
27 March 2015
Project Proposal
Since the research paper topic is about service, I wish to write my paper on Animal cruelty; more specifically animal abuse. I wish to explore the reasons behind animal abuse and which psychiatric disorders are affiliated with the abuse of animals. I will back up these findings with research on studies conducted regarding animal abuse and statistics. 3 questions I wish to include in my paper based on my research are: To what extent do domestic abusers become animal abusers? In which ways is animal abuse a factor/symptom of psychiatric disorders? What are the reasons behind animal abuse psychologically? By using my 5 credible sources, I am able to do sufficient research regarding the ideas I wish to pursue in this paper. The article called “Domestic Violence and Animal Cruelty” on the ASPCA website will help me by giving me specific statistics and straight facts about how animal abuse and domestic violence are related, which will give me sufficient support in my paper. The article called "Adulthood Animal Abuse Among Men Arrested for Domestic Violence" in the Violence Against Women Journal includes a study about the number of domestic abusers that also have a record of animal abuse. Getting support from a study further improves the credibility of my paper. In the “Animal Cruelty and Psychiatric Disorders" article from the Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online, I can draw information regarding which specific psychiatric disorders are most affiliated with animal abuse. Another source included in my annotated bibliography, “Examining the Link Between Animal Abuse and Human Violence” from the Crime, Law and Social Changes Journal will be useful in providing information in my paper about the direct links/ similarities between violence against humans and against animals. Lastly, the National Humane Education Society website has an article entitled “Animal Neglect and Cruelty” that will further provide me with evidence as to what reasons there are behind animal abuse and cruelty. In conclusion, my working thesis is: The psychological reasons behind domestic violence and animal abuse are related, which gives clear evidence and insight as to why people abuse animals.

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