Thursday, February 12, 2015

Rhetorical Analysis of Science Building

The space I chose to observe was a bright open room in the new Science wing. I sit in a square gray fabric chair with a matching circular ottoman. I notice that the design of the room is very plain and modern. The floor is a white marble tile with grains of brown and beige, the walls are beige, and the ceiling is white with a gray curve. There is a design in the floor that displays the "Signum Fidei" Lewis University symbol. Two walls of windows reveal the nature that lies just outside, almost to be bringing the nature in. The decorations of the space is limited. There is a glass case that contains science equipment, and a piece of artwork made of all blocks of wood entitled "Unity" displayed by a plaque. The brightness of the room itself is appealing. The natural light is open and inviting. It is meant to be a place without distractions; a place where students can think clearly and reflect. The basic colors and nature just outside the windows help set the aura of meditation. The symbol in the tile and the "Unity" artwork welcomes students, revealing itself as a place where students can gather to relax, work together, study together, or get to know each other.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Rhetorical Analysis Topic

This is the link to the Ad I will be using for my essay. I love dogs so this is pretty fitting :)

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Snow Day Activity

Watching this video and thinking about what I have let go of in the past got me thinking. In 8th grade, I got a cute little bunny who I named Cleo. She was cute and fluffy and I took her on walks on a bunny leash. Then the summer between my sophomore and junior year in high school, I got a puppy for my 16th birthday. My puppy consumed so much of my time because he needed constant attention and care. Because of that, my rabbit wasn't getting the attention she needed. I tried having Beau (my puppy) and Cleo get along, but he would always want to play rough with her and that wasn't good for the bunny. I knew what I had to do, even though I was so upset about it. I had to let go of Cleo. There was a doctor at my mom's work who was interested in taking the bunny for his kids. We gave her to that family and I haven't seen her since. I knew the children would give her more love and attention than I could, and there would be no other doggies there to bother her. Just last week, my mom sent me a picture of Cleo that the recent owner took and sent to her. I teared up because I hadn't heard anything about her or seen her in so long. I still don't regret letting go, because she seemed really happy. I know what I did was best for her and me and my puppy.